
March 29, 2012

I am an amateur photographer, among other things. I do it for fun, and I don't take myself too seriously. I've been (finally!) pursuing my photographic interests since getting a "real" camera in October 2010. A philosophy I try to follow: have fun and enjoy it, don't worry about where it might lead. I'm not planning on making a career out of this, it's a hobby.

Last year was great, but I found myself wanting a more coherent outlet than just my Flickr photostream, so I started this blog on January 1, 2012. In the blog I will focus on my photographs; you will find here various projects, both in progress and completed, pictures from recent adventures with the lovely Alessandra, some daily photos, and just a little commentary. I try to update a few times a week, or at a minimum once a week.

I live in France, less than a kilometer from the forested Franco-Swiss border, just outside of Geneva. I've lived here for a couple of years, I should be moving back to upstate NY (USA) this summer.

My work graduate studies keeps me pretty busy, but I have to do more than just that, photography is one of the other things I do. I'm exploring that intrest with passion, I hope you like the pictures I share!

Contact Information


name: Justin Garofoli
email: j@justing.net
social: flickrgoogle+facebook

