February 26, 2012


February 26, 2012

Cows going to pasture

Cows going to pasture

France (2011)

I'm still exploring the duotone color space, this time its green and blue. I hope that doesn't seem too harsh.

Across the street from us is a small dairy farm. Around 7 o'clock every night they put the cows out to pasture for the night. There is definitely a lead cow, a rather bossy lady, thats her in the lower left corner. I have no idea how this dominance order is chosen, other than, well, dominance. Anyway, it's kind of a spectacle. The cows are pretty happy to be let out of the barn, and so they cross the street into the field, and either immediately drink from the trough, or relieve themselves. Then, off they go, following the leader out into the near night, looking for a nice tasty patch of grass to munch on, and nap on, good weather or bad.
